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Customer Testimonials

Some Love from Our Clients!

Atlanta, Georgia to Johannesburg, South Africa

International Pet Moves January 2, 2019

Kiri, Kali, Tigger & Patches

Hi Jess, Yes, all is well, the cats are with me in our new home. They were delivered yesterday morning and I brought them home straight away. All were/are well, although freaked out by their adventure. They are finally settling down - 2 are on the bed, 1 on a new cat tree and Kali is on her freshly-washed travel bed. I thought I had lost Patches last night so didn't get any sleep. Finally found her in the rafters and thatch of the house this morning...... She has now decided that the bed is far more comfortable! Kali is crazy affectionate - very unusual for her. THANK YOU again for everything, you have been GREAT!!!!

Kind regards, Diana, Kiri, Kali, Tigger and Patches

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