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Customer Testimonials

Some Love from Our Clients!

USA to Philippines

International Pet Moves October 11, 2023

Jessica Nickler went far above and beyond the call of duty! Very prompt and adept in one of the most trying and challenging situations, she was able to create an opportunity!

We arrived a bit late due to the confusion of the location of the cargo holding area. Upon arriving I was rejected by staff, several times I was told to contact the airline and reschedule pick up for my pet. Understandably I was devastated by this information because my family and I were scheduled to leave the country the next day, also their flight wasn’t due for takeoff for another 5 or 6 hours. I called Jessica after work hours, she picked up and instructed me to return to the building so she could speak with them! A few moments later, I was told I could then bring my dog in for shipping. Thanks to the brave and courageous work of Jessica, everything went accordingly. Had it not been for her, we would have left our pet behind. She deserves this recognition and so much more. Thank you Jessica for everything and this unforgettable experience! Our Zeus is now having the best time of his life in the Philippines!

Zeus livin' the LIFE!

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