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Customer Testimonials

Some Love from Our Clients!

Our clients send us updates and pics when their pet friends arrive at their new home. Opening emails like these frankly makes our day. Enjoy!

Washington D.C. To Cameroon, Africa

International Pet Moves October 25, 2018

Viv, Neige & Halsey Kitties arrived in my new home around 2230 my time (I believe I’m five hours ahead). Flight was an hour late and after it was all said and done, I was on that flight! All is well. All have sampled dinner, drank water, and used the litter box. Thank you for the excellent service...and providing the interesting entertainment at the Army vet.  From, Michele

Houston, Texas to Edinburgh, Scotland

International Pet Moves October 17, 2018

Mia & Hazel      Hi Michelle, Thanks so much for everything! They just arrived here and are happy to be reunited with us and are busy exploring their new home! Thanks again, Kelly                           

Milliken, Scotland to Dubai, United Arab Emirates

International Pet Moves October 11, 2018

Shimaya & Star      Hi Cory,   The kids sure are home.... they were very sleepy girls on Wednesday but seems more lively today. Thank you for all your help and support over the last few weeks. The whole process from beginning to end was smooth, professional and informative.  Thank you very much John & Lynsey, Shimaya & Star

London, United Kingdom to Raleigh, North Carolina

International Pet Moves September 12, 2018

Cleo and Noodles      Hi, Cory and Catherine,     I am so sorry for the delayed response. Between jet lag and a morning appointment I am just getting a chance to check email. Cleo and Noodles arrived around 10:30 last night and are in great shape. Both are eating and doing their business normally and are very affectionate and good spirits. Our hearts are happy to have them back home.  Thank you both for helping transition the pets so smoothly. We cannot thank you enough as they are part of our family. I would be more than happy to write a glowing review if you would like. Just let me know.  All my best! Jackie

San Diego, California to Sao Paulo, Brazil

International Pet Moves September 6, 2018

Mini Hi Jessica, Mini had arrived safely to Brazil and she is doing well. I want to say thank you very much for your services and how well you had adjusted your schedule due to some circumstances. Your drivers had taken really great care of Mini and this was very appreciated by me and my family. Again, thank you so much for your great services. John

Shanghai to Cincinnati, Ohio

International Pet Moves August 16, 2018

Oscar Hi Cory, Just a quick message to say that Oscar is home and well. I wanted to thank the whole team for taking such a good care of him, he is in great shape and really happy. All of us in the family appreciate your professionality and dedication. Thanks again for everything! Regards, The Jones family (and Oscar)

Flagstaff, Arizona to Fairfax, Virginia

Domestic Pet Moves August 7, 2018

Jerry Thank you, Cathy. I am happy that my dog was able to reach me safely. In the country where I grew up, it is was impossible to imagine this and hope that the dog will reach in good health. Anjali

Tampa to UK and Back Again

International Pet Health Documents,International Pet Moves August 1, 2018

Meet Toby. This young man is a Carin terrier and four-years-young (nearing 30 in dog years). He’s been back and forth across the pond to the UK twice and eagerly awaiting his next trip according to his pet parents Bill and Patricia. We love Toby’s travelogues (sent by Bill) and Jessica, Toby’s expert pet mover, loves the flowers Toby sends. So for grins and giggles, join us for a bit of Toby’s Travels: Brit About Town. The summer of the millennium rolls on, and on. Toby is delighted at the long days of horizon to horizon blue skies with balmy temperatures: ideal for long rambles across the meadows and lanes of our part of really rural England. He had an encounter with a rather large horse last week and was in awe for the rest of the day. The horse was a bay with a young girl riding, cantering to a halt just a few yards ahead of us. She and her horse were very friendly, I'm not sure the horse had ever seen a Cairn Terrier of Toby's size or color, but he was certainly interested and, fortunately, friendly too. Where else but England? He's a bit of a village celebrity here, dubbed the "friendliest dog in the village." Everybody knows Toby, well the village is only about a thousand souls, many of them elderly and sort of shut-ins. Toby gets his reputation by going up to the very young and the very old with bold directness and a wagging tail. I follow along on the other end of his leash giving his name and age and reassuring strangers (those who don't speak to him first, usually addressing him by name) that he's quite harmless.  For his breed, he is amazingly good with children, especially the pre-toddlers in push chairs. The other day a Mum was distracted from her pushchair with a very young citizen with no shoes or socks on. We're having a wonderful summer so this is not uncommon. Toby introduced himself by having a lick of the baby's toes, tickling him I suppose, for what attracted everyone's attention was that the kid began to giggle hilariously. Its Mum said this was the first time she had heard her baby really giggle and thanked Toby for his attention. I offered a damp cloth to wipe him down and assured Mum that all Toby's shots were up to date. She brushed me aside and made an affectionate fuss over Toby. Over here we carry wipe packets as well as poop bags in case of accidents: very tidy the British. That's the way Toby makes his friends here; I'm quite superfluous, the only people who know my name are our close neighbors and fellow pub habitués. That's another frequent haunt of Toby's: our local pub welcomes dogs, some wander in on their own, others bring their humans. Both are treated with the same deference, tolerance, and respect. Some (not Toby) even sip the occasional saucer of beer! It's a different world. We would like to bring Toby (he too has friends in Tampa) with us. Could you please arrange the same pick up for him as before (late morning or early afternoon of the day before) by the company you are using (we still have his travel kennel and it is quite serviceable still). We plan to depart shortly after Toby is picked up for London, overnighting there for our flight next day. We can pick him up at your office on our way from the airport to our condo or you might arrange for him to be delivered to the condo, given the late afternoon arrival time there on the day. I’ll leave that to you.
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