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Move Your Pet Myanmar

Leave the details to us!

Let Air Animal Pet Movers® deal with the details transporting your pets to Myanmar.

To avoid delay and possible quarantine we follow these steps in order:

After you move:

Please register with a local veterinarian to keep your pet's rabies vaccination up to date. Veterinarians typically send reminder notices when vaccinations are due.

Also consider having your U.S. veterinarian run a complete blood count, a differential and chem panel on your dog or cat before moving. Take the report with you to share with your new veterinarian. If another move is in your future, you and your pet will be ready.

Air Animal Pet Movers® and our Asia specialist knows the drill, knows the routine, and is experienced. Pet moving made easy®. That's our focus, our passion and our promise.

Pet Moving Made Easy® Get a Quote!
Schedule your move! Se habla Español Call 1(800) 635-3448